Freitag, 16. November 2007

French Bread Rolls

  • 550 gr Bread Flour
  • 1,5 cup Warm Water
  • 10 gr dry yeast
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 Egg white+Fresh milk


  • In a big bowl, mix water, yeast & sugar and stir it well, let it stand for 15 Min (until the yeast bubbled or dissolved)
  • add oil into the yeast mixture and then add half of the flour. Stir in the remaining flour then remove the dough from the bowl, knead until smooth and elastic.
  • put the dough back in the bowl and cover with damp cloth. Let it rise in warm place and the volume get double for about 60 minutes.
  • deflate the dough and put it in floured surface and divide the dough into 16 pcs, form as you like.
  • preheat the oven into 200C
  • brush the dough with egg-milk mixture, then bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown

source: Allrecipes

2 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

hallo nana,maaf mau tanya, itu bread flournya apa weizenmehl biasa yg type 405 atau type lain yaaa?bagus banget lho rotinya..pingin nyobain juga...nyontek resepnya ya, boleh gak ?...btw, nana tinggal di jerman mana ? salam manis dari bremen

Nana hat gesagt…

Hi Rini, thx udh mampir kemari :-)
Utk bread flour, pake yg type 550. Silahkan kalo mo dicontek resepnya :-)
Daku jermannya di Kulmbach :-)