Sonntag, 20. Juli 2008

Vanilla Ice Cream


Yayyy!! everyday is ice cream day for us (esp. my hubby). Since my hubby is the biggest fan of vanilla flavour, I have to make 2 different ice cream flavours at the same day. Well...vanilla is a must for him. So, I tried my best to make different kind of vanilla ice cream. Then I found this recipe here, and it turned out so well and tasted like vanilla ice cream from our fave supermarket.

This one is so soft, creamy and egless (most of the vanilla ice recipes I've tried required eggs) and my hubby said this is the best home made vanilla ice & tasted better as the one from supermarket ^_^. So, it's really a keeper!

I made a bit change from the original recipe as I only have strawberry jam in my fridge, so I ommited the peach with the jam. And the taste is soo fresh & delicious!
I divided the batch into 2, one is pure vanilla flavour and the other one is with strawberry jam (just in case my hubby doesn't like it). Actually, I want to make the swirl effect on my ice but it didn't work that well *sighs* and the jam made the color look weird :-(.

Today is quite hot here, and the ice melt so fast (as you can see at the 2nd picture) and I had to hurry myself taking the shots of my ice cream *pheww* and at the end of the photo session, my husband took the ice and enjoyed it til the last spoon *LOL*


Freitag, 18. Juli 2008

Cacao Ice Cream


Ow ow..someone is in ice cream fever now!!! Yup yup..I am!. I can't help it since it's not so complicated to make this delicious dessert. The other reason is that my hubby is the ice cream monster at home. He's really addicted to ice cream & not a day goes by without ice cream ^_^. can tell that ice cream a must in our freezer. I found this recipe here, it's very simple and it's egless, that's what I like. The taste is great, but from the consistence I like my strawberry ice cream better, it's so creamy & softer compares to this one. I substituted some ingredients here based on what I have in my kitchen *im too lazy too go out today as the weather isn't that nice*, maybe that's the reason why the consistence isn't creamy as the other one. I guess I will try again next time with the right ingredients :-)
Here is the recipe:


Mittwoch, 16. Juli 2008

Home Made Strawberry Ice Cream


It's been very hot here lately and this home made ice cream is a perfect cooler!! It's easy to made & I guarantee that u won't have so much mess in your kitchen..hehe. U can also make this with or without ice cream maker.