Mittwoch, 16. Juli 2008

Home Made Strawberry Ice Cream


It's been very hot here lately and this home made ice cream is a perfect cooler!! It's easy to made & I guarantee that u won't have so much mess in your kitchen..hehe. U can also make this with or without ice cream maker.

What you need:
100-150 gr Strawberries (Fresh/Frozen)
50-70 gr icing sugar
150 gr plain yoghurt
200 gr whipped cream
1 tbsp lemon juice


- mixed strawberries with 1/2 of icing sugar, lemon juice & yoghurt. Then bring them into Purée using a hand blender or blender. Set aside
- Add the rest of icing sugar into whipped cream then beat until it reaches the soft peak, then add the strawberries mixture gradually then stir it until well blended.
- Put the mixture in refrigerator for 15 minutes and let it cool, then put in the ice cream maker for 15-30 minutes until you get your desired consistence. Then remove it into a cool box then put in a freezer until the time you serve it.
- If you don't use an ice cream maker, after the mixing process u can just put it directly into the freezer and let it stand for 6-7 hours

7 Kommentare:

Elsye hat gesagt…

doyaannnnnnn..Nana disini juga udah panas banget say..hikkss....liat es krimnya bener2 bikin ngilerrr

Nana hat gesagt…

@Elsye: ho oh say..panasnya mit amit yak. Kalo gitu dirimu bikin es krim jg donk..biar segerrr...hehe

sefa firdaus hat gesagt…

Nanaaaa.... bagi es-nya dong ;;)

Nana hat gesagt…

@sefa: hihi..ntar kalo dikirim meleleh duluan donk :-)))))

A.G hat gesagt…

potone sek siji kok ra kitok ya Na.. wah syeger tenan.. wingi bar gæ strobery jam :D ga kepikiran nek pe gæ es krim secara anak-2 doyan banget es krim lho... wah suk tak contone yoo * jawa mode on*

Anonym hat gesagt…

iya nih es krimnya bikin ngilerr banget. :) hari ini panas banget .. mau dong

Anonym hat gesagt…

hahaha... gaswaaatt mampir di blog sini disuguhin es kriiimmm... ngileeerrrr. *slurp*

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